Once upon a time, in a small snowy village, there lived a young girl named Anna. Anna loved winter, the falling snow, and especially the sight of little birds gathering in her backyard. Every morning, she would run to the kitchen window to check if the songbirds had arrived at the bird feeder.
One cold December morning, Anna noticed that the bird feeder was completely empty. The snow covered the ground thickly, and there wasn’t a single seed left for the birds to eat.
“Oh, the poor little birds will be hungry,” Anna said. She quickly put on her coat and rushed outside to fill the feeder with fresh seeds.
As she opened the door, a chilly wind swept through the yard, but Anna didn’t mind the cold. The little birds chirped happily as they flew down to greet her, as if to say thank you for her kindness.
“Here you go, some sunflower seeds and nuts for you,” Anna said with a smile, as she filled up the feeder. The birds happily chirped and began to eat.
As Anna watched them, a small, bright yellow bird she had never seen before flew over to her. The little bird bravely perched on her hand, chirping joyfully.
“Hi, little bird! Are you new here?” Anna asked, surprised.
The bird, as if understanding her, nodded sweetly and dropped a tiny golden feather into Anna’s hand.
“What’s this?” Anna wondered, examining the feather.
Suddenly, something magical happened. The little bird vanished in the blink of an eye, and a gentle voice filled the air:
“Anna, you always take care of the birds, even on the coldest days. This golden feather is a magic feather that will grant you one wish, as long as it comes from your heart.”
Anna was touched. She didn’t know if she was dreaming or if it was real, but her heart told her to use the wish wisely.
“I wish that the bird feeder will never run out of food, and that every little bird will find something to eat during the cold winter,” she said softly.
The feather glowed brightly and slowly disappeared from her hand. When Anna looked back at the bird feeder, it was now filled with all kinds of seeds, nuts, and berries—the birds’ favorite treats. The little songbirds joyfully ate, filling the yard with their happy songs.
That night, as Anna lay in bed, the moonlight shone into her room. She saw a tiny shadow at her window. The bright yellow bird had returned, giving her one last look before disappearing into the night.
From that day on, the bird feeder was never empty. People in the village wondered why so many birds flocked to Anna’s garden, and why the songbirds seemed so joyful. But Anna knew the secret: the kindness she showed had brought a little bit of magic into her world, and the golden feather would never forget those who helped others from the heart.