Beauty and the Beast
In a quaint English village, where the roses sway,Lived a lass named Bella, bright as the day.Books were her treasure, tales of wonder and delight,In …
In a quaint English village, where the roses sway,Lived a lass named Bella, bright as the day.Books were her treasure, tales of wonder and delight,In …
In a kingdom far, where the roses bloom,Lived Snow White, in a lovely room.Her cheeks were rosy, her hair black as night,Her heart full of …
On a cold winter night, snowflakes fell thickly from the sky. Meanwhile, in their warm homes, the people of the small village were preparing for …
Where it was, where it wasn’t, beyond the ÓperencÃas sea, even beyond the glass mountains, where the little short-tailed pig roams, there once was a …
His pearlsWhere she was, where she wasn’t, beyond seventeen countries, there was once an ugly old witch. This witch once went out into the field, …
Like the water at the bottom of a large bowl, St. Anna’s lake rests at the bottom of mountains reaching into the sky. All around …
Once upon a time, across seven and seven lands, there was a king, and his daughter was as fair as a star in the sky. …