Kati learns to somersault

Once upon a time, on the edge of a village, lived a little girl named Kati. Although she was only 3 years old, everyone thought she was very talented. She ran excellently, climbed anywhere, and knew songs and nursery rhymes. However, there was one thing she couldn’t do: somersault.

Kati had a sister, Sára. Kati often just sat and watched how beautifully Sára somersaulted. However, she couldn’t imagine how she would one day roll as gracefully as a ball.

She asked her sister:

  • Sára, how can you somersault like this? Teach me too!

Sára didn’t need to be told twice, and she explained that Kati just needed to squat, push herself off, and imagine that she was a ball rolling and rolling. She encouraged Kati to try it on the bed, where she wouldn’t be able to hurt herself if the somersault didn’t go as planned.

Kati sighed deeply, climbed onto the bed, gathered all her courage, and lo and behold! Suddenly she rolled as if she was born to do it. From then on, she practiced a lot all day long, so her mom and dad would be proud of her.

She realized that somersaulting was just a matter of courage, and she didn’t need to be afraid of it. She had to try it, and from then on, it would become easier.

In the evening, just before bedtime, the two sisters showed their parents what Sára had taught Kati that day. Their parents watched them very happily and proudly! After that, they went to bed, and fell asleep during the bedtime story. Good night to you too!

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